Lack of Transparency

In the past year the Pualani Estates Board of Directors has done a number of things to limit their accountability and hinder the general flow of information to homeowners. Here are some of the most blatant:

  • Instituted a policy forbidding owners from recording board meetings. When the acting chair was asked why owners couldn't have a record of what was said and done at the meetings, he replied it was to protect Board members.
  • Numerous requests to Hawaiiana for agendas in advance of Board meetings have been ignored. During the Zoom Board meetings, chat questions asking why agendas are not available have also been ignored.
  • The Board moved copies of the Association Declaration, By laws, and other rules behind a fire-wall at the website they created. At a recent Board meeting it was mentioned that less than half of the owners now have access to the website. The Board recently discussed limiting the quarterly newsletter to this site, which would further restrict information to homeowners.
  • When issues and policies are discussed at Board meetings, details of the proposals are not shared with owners. More than once, owners have been asked if they have comments at the end of the discussion, but it is impossible to intelligently participate when the details are not available.
  • At last year's annual meeting, a motion was put forth from the floor in accordance with the rules that pertained to the Association taking a stand on new developments in the neighborhood (to see motion click here). Despite the fact that proxies stated they were valid "for any and all business that may properly come before the meeting," the Board allowed the Chair to decide the topic was not appropriate for the annual meeting.

The Pualani Ohana slate of candidates wants you to know what is going on and wants to hear your opinions. Please see our Path Forward page for some details on how we hope to achieve this.

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