2021 Election Results
Candidates on the Pualani Ohana slate received about 60% of the votes cast in the 2021 election but only 1 member of the slate was seated on the Board of Directors. Here is what happened.
The Board of Directors voided 30 proxies that favored the Pualani Ohana slate, enough to prevent the majority of the Pualani Ohana from being elected. Hawaiiana representatives told Pualani Ohana the ballots were legal when they were delivered to Hawaiiana, but found a way to invalidate them over 2 days before the annual meeting. The invalidation was not communicated to sitting Board members Joel Gimpel or Renee Inaba until minutes before the annual meeting when it was too late to correct the situation. In addition, Renee Inaba received email confirmation from Hawaiiana on Monday morning March 22, 2021, that the Pualani Ohana proxy was valid.
Some ballots cast for incumbent board candidates were treated differently. Several invalid proxies with votes for the Board were counted as valid. In addition, some homeowners who had cast invalid ballots for the Board of Directors were contacted by Hawaiiana or the Board of Directors and given the opportunity to correct their invalid ballots.
Dee Ann Wunschel filed a request to challenge the voting procedure and outcome using the mediation and binding arbitration process described in our HOA Declaration. The Board of Directors agreed to mediate but later reneged and instead sued Dee Ann Wunschel for legally contacting owners by email. For further information on the lawsuit, go here.
To avoid a repeat of this situation, we ask that you submit your proxies no later than March 14, 2022. If you submit your completed proxy to William Culhane at 75-321 Omilo Place or email it to PualaniEstatesOhana@gmail.com, it will be thoroughly reviewed to ensure that it is valid and delivered to Hawaiiana before the deadline."